63Canadian director V.T. Nayani’s feature debut, starring Devery Jacobs and Priya Guns, is a queer love story about two young women — one Iranian and Ka -
608马克西·蒙斯(罗素·克劳 饰)是罗马帝国战功显赫,受人拥戴的大将军。老国王马库斯·奥利利乌斯(理查德·哈里斯 饰)对大将军赏识有加,有意加冕于他。老国王对将军这种超越亲情的宠爱自然招来太子康莫迪乌斯的妒忌与不安,太子伺机杀害父亲,抢先登上王位,并马上下令诛杀大将军一家。 -
3672020年8月20日,俄罗斯反对派人物、反腐败活动人士阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼身中“诺维乔克”神经毒剂后入院接受治疗。在从托木斯克(Томск)飞往莫斯科的航班上,他的病情极度恶化,生命垂危。飞机于鄂木斯克(Омск)紧急降落后,陷入昏迷的纳瓦尔尼被送往医院,两天后他又被转送至德国柏林的夏利特医院。康复期 -
483A romantic comedy drama about finding love when you least expect it. 3 people all experience tragedies they feel they will never overcome, can they fi -
罪犯联盟 第二季
841Following on directly from the first series, The Outlaws still have time to serve on their sentences, but now they must face the fallout from their ac